Foundation News

Sierra Club Foundation Releases 2017 Annual Report, Partnering for Progress

By Dan Chu, Executive Director, Sierra Club Foundation


2017 was a challenging year as we resisted a new Administration hellbent on rolling back fundamental environmental protections and human rights. We resolved to not only stop such attacks, but to also continue our progress towards a future where we all enjoy vibrant public land, waters, and wildlife and affordable clean energy is accessible for all. Over the past year, the Sierra Club Foundation supported clean energy innovators, community and tribal leaders, lawyers, scientists, and organizers. Together, we are Partnering for Progress.

Our partnerships expanded and deepened in 2017, to achieve meaningful environmental and social change. We invested in movement building, supporting thousands of people at mass events such as the Women’s March, People’s Climate March, and hundreds of other demonstrations. Lawful public demonstrations elevate issues and bring people together in a show of strength and solidarity. When we advocate for clean air and water we also reaffirm our fundamental rights as active participants in our democracy.

On a programmatic level, our ongoing work paid dividends. Three years ago, we provided seed funding for the Ready for 100 Campaign - now active in over 100 communities - as a uniquely open-source opportunity for anyone, anywhere to organize around advancing 100 percent clean energy locally. This structure proved particularly powerful in 2017, as a wide group of advocates ranging from mayors of major cities to electric bus manufacturers put pressure on the electric sector to modernize and move beyond coal, oil, and natural gas.

In 2017, we increasingly aligned our financial assets with our mission and values. Recently, our Board of Directors unanimously agreed to focus a portion of our investments on advancing equitable climate solutions. For example, just this month the Foundation made its first community-centered direct impact investment to help the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe develop wind power on their Native lands. We look forward to sharing future impact investing progress soon.

These highlights reflect just a fraction of the inspiring work that we highlight in the recently released 2017 Annual Report now available on our website. As we look ahead, we will continue Partnering for Progress and building upon these successes, no matter the headwinds we face.

If you’d like a printed copy of the 2017 Annual Report, please call (415) 995-1780 or email to request a copy. We are deeply grateful to our generous donors and supporters for sustaining this important work over the past year and in years to come.

Category: News and Updates