Foundation News

Sierra Club Foundation Releases 2020 Annual Report: Resist, Renew, Reimagine

By Henry Holmes, Senior Director, Programs and Compliance

2020 saw the waning days of the Trump administration and its relentless attacks on environmental protections for the climate, people, and nature. We saw the COVID-19 pandemic and racist violence lay bare the persistent inequalities and inequities in our country, and the inseparable nature of our work to protect both people and the planet. Despite these and other challenges - including attempts to undermine our democracy and electoral processes -  we continued to fight for a more just and sustainable world where people and nature thrive. Our 2020 Annual Report highlights how the Sierra Club Foundation - in partnership with the  Sierra Club, partners, and allies - was able to resist unprecedented attacks on the environment, renew our commitment to an inclusive and equitable movement, and reimagine a future where all people benefit from abundant renewable energy, clean air and water, and healthy communities.

With time running out for humanity to transition to a clean energy economy and avoid the worst impacts of and irreparable damage from climate change, 2020 - despite societal upheaval and increasing climate volatility - saw us leveraging all the tools we have at our disposal to build a more just, equitable, and sustainable future. From the Sierra Club programs that we fiscally sponsored and funded; to how we invested our assets consistent with our values and mission; to how we leveraged and supported partnerships that understand and act on the interconnections of racial justice, environmental justice, public health, climate change, and clean energy solutions, the accomplishments and lessons learned in 2020 will endure and inform our work going forward.

All of this is possible because of those who believe in and stand with us in our work. The problems we face are made by people and can be solved by people working together to resist, renew, and reimagine. 

If you would like a printed copy of the 2020 Sierra Club Foundation Annual Report, please call (415) 995-1780 or email to request a copy. We are deeply grateful to our generous donors and supporters for sustaining this critical work over the past year and in years to come.

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