Foundation News

New Directors Join the Sierra Club Foundation

In early September, we welcomed three new board members: Claire Broido Johnson, Rebekah Saul Butler, and Steph Speirs! All three directors bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in clean energy, impact investing, philanthropy, public policy, and more. We look forward to their leadership in helping guide the Sierra Club Foundation’s work as the public charity fiscal sponsor of the Sierra Club’s charitable programs and grantor to partner organizations, expanding our networks and relationships as influencers to mobilize resources and action on climate change, and in stewarding the Foundation’s assets to lead the shift of trillions in capital toward environmental solutions, justice, and land/water/wildlife protection.

About Claire Broido Johnson:

Claire is a senior operations executive who currently runs the University System of Maryland Momentum Fund. She has a proven track record in creating and managing successful businesses and driving operations, including as founder of SunEdison. She also guided the deployment of $11 billion in economic stimulus funds in 2009-2019 at the Department of Energy.  She joined the Sierra Club when she was 12 and created the Environmental Science and Public Policy major at Harvard College and has an MBA from Harvard. Claire lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

About Rebekah Saul Butler:

Rebekah is co-executive director of The Grove Foundation, where she leads design and implementation of the Foundation’s 100% mission aligned investment portfolio.  She also leads the environment program and provides overall co-management for all aspects of the Foundation. In addition, Rebekah is managing director of Grove Action Fund, an organization she worked with colleagues to launch in 2018 to more directly affect positive policy changes.  She lives in the San Francisco Bay area.

About Steph Speirs:

Steph is the co-founder  and chief executive officer at Solstice, which works to put community solar and clean energy in the hands of underserved Americans. She previously deployed solar microgrids, lanterns, and home systems in India and Pakistan. Prior to renewables, she managed field operations on the Obama campaign and developed policy at the White House National Security Council. She was selected as an Echoing Green Climate Fellow, Inc Magazine’s Female Founder 100, Elle’s US Woman Entrepreneur of the Year, a Renewable Energy World 40 Under in Solar, and a Grist 50 Fixer. She holds degrees from Yale, Princeton, and MIT. She lives in Somerville, Massachusetts.


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